They seem to live in Panavision
On a TV screen or in a non-stop dream
I think it ain't just
At the first glance, I knew there was no chance
To come into contact or to find a new compact
I think it ain't just
On a TV screen or in a non-stop dream
I think it ain't just
At the first glance, I knew there was no chance
To come into contact or to find a new compact
I think it ain't just
Herr shhhh
am Dienstag, 27. April 2004, 09:35
derGarfunkel kommentierte am 27. Apr, 14:45:
you might be talking about the unknown stuntman. one of my childhood heros.
shhhh entgegnete am 27. Apr, 14:47:
Ne, Herr Garfunkel,
ganz, ganz kalt. Das da oben ist mehr so 1982,
belgische Maschinenmusik.
derGarfunkel entgegnete am 27. Apr, 21:58:
shhhh entgegnete am 28. Apr, 09:13:
Ist vom Text her
garnicht so abwegig, aber da besagte Band auch politisch agiert, vermute ich mal, daß es um vermummte Randalierer geht...